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We are all acutely aware of the changes occurring in business. Market and socio-political drivers are causing interesting business models to emerge and technological changes are resulting in new digital and disruptive business models that are reshaping our traditional industries. There is significant pressure to respond with solutions, products, and services that are not only desirable from a human-centered perspective but business viable and technologically feasible. In order to cater to these pressures, new strategic planning disciplines and tools must be leveraged, or in some cases invented. These disciplines need to both help businesses solve wicked problems, as well as help solution providers inside and outside an organization provide more value-based offerings. This presentation will look at the emergence of design-led strategic planning approaches that merge disciplines to help business decision-makers test the viability of ideas and strategies, and play these out within an organization to determine the high-value positions necessary to succeed in the market. In this paper, we explore on the fusion of design thinking, business design, and enterprise architecture to help organizations address these challenges.

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